Previous Compeer Events

Please find below details of some of Compeer’s most recent events, covering topics such as compliance, technology, industry trends, the front office, outsourcing and the clients’ view. Within each event you can also now view the e-brochure, containing the latest research findings presented at the conference.

Previous Compeer events

Compliance 2020: Impact on a Personal and Business Perspective

Tuesday 3rd March 2020
08:15 - 13:00

Compeer will be interviewing senior executives in Compliance within the UK wealth management space to ascertain their views on the latest compliance and regulatory initiatives to strike the industry.

Clients’ View 2019: Planning for the Future

Wednesday 4th December 2019
08:15 - 13:00

Compeer will again be speaking to 1,000 end investors to understand their views on a hot topic related to Wealth Management.

Realising the Benefits of Technology Outsourcing

Wednesday 2nd October 2019
15.30 - 20.00

For this year’s Outsourcing event, Compeer will be focusing on technology spend in the wealth management industry and evaluating the role technology outsourcing has in driving efficiency and innovation.

Wealth Management: The Yearly Review 2019

Tuesday 18th June 2019
08:15 - 13:30

Following a year of political uncertainty, more regulatory developments, advancing technologies, market volatility, margin compression and evolving investor preferences, how has the UK Wealth Management Industry coped? Find out how it has fared, the key areas of growth, and which business models have delivered the greatest degree of success.

Front Office 2019: Are firms getting value for money?

Tuesday 21st May 2019
15:30 - 20:00

Compeer will be using its extensive database to highlight the key features within the front office for the most efficient firms and how these have changed over time.

WealthTech 2019: The Truth About Digital

Tuesday 26th March 2019
15:30 - 20:00

Compeer will be delivering an assessment of the digital landscape and which developments the wealth sector is prioritising.


Each event Compeer runs offers different levels of sponsorship, providing substantial networking and marketing opportunities, allowing you to boost your brand awareness within wealth management. Examples of some of these packages are outlined below.