Bespoke Research

Compeer can provide a deeper analysis of business-critical issues, often where customised benchmarking reports have suggested areas of concern or highlighted opportunities.

Examples include: defining compensation strategy, identifying fee structures of peer businesses and modifying your own structures, identifying cost saving opportunities and comparing the main drivers of front office productivity.

Compeer’s unique research can also underpin the development and execution of a company’s growth strategy for the wealth management sector.

Example Documents

Please find below links to reports we have formed working closely with PIMFA (formerly the WMA) and the BBA (now part of UK Finance).

Download our report Wealth of Opportunities I

The first edition of the Wealth of Opportunities report, highlighting the significant economic impact of the UK Private Banking and Wealth Management Industry.

Download our report Wealth of Opportunities II

In this second edition we outline the substantial social impact of Private Banking and Wealth Management, developments in the industry and its reaction to the Brexit vote.

Want to know more

To find out more about our services please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly.