Wealth Management Remuneration Survey

The remuneration survey covers all elements of the remuneration package, is produced twice a year and is the only survey of this type dedicated exclusively to wealth management.

Under the remuneration package we include analyses of basic salary, bonus, LTIPs, share options and car allowances, with information collected as at the end of May and November, to ensure only the most current data is used for reviews.

The report also enables the client to compare remuneration, working hours, leave and benefits against the market as well as a client-defined peer group. The survey now covers in excess of 10,000 individuals in the wealth management sector. Clients find it essential for determining remuneration trends and retaining key staff – indeed clients of the survey have a higher rate of staff retention than the industry average.

Example Documents

Please find below links to download examples of Compeer’s remuneration reports, all containing fictitious data.

Download our example Remuneration Management Summary

A detailed summary of the latest trends in remuneration packages across all participants in surveys. Find out about the benefits on offer, pay group analyses, turnover levels and future expectations.

Download our example Remuneration Data Summary

Quartile information for all positions, comparing your data against all other participants and a select peer group of firms. These pages are provided for London, Regional and Whole of UK analyses.

Download our example One Page Layout

A deeper dive into a particular role, showing the full spread in data and an exact positioning for your staff members’ pay.

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